eMetrics Marketing Optimization Summit
3 OutcomesSAN FRANCISCO, MAY 4-7, 2008Get the Most Out of eMetrics Marketing Optimization Summit When You Share Your 3 OutcomesWhat do you want to achieve from attending the conference?
How will you measure the success of your conference experience?
Identify, Record & Share Your Desired Outcomes at the 3 Outcomes Roundtable
Language is truly our most powerful technology. Create your 3 outcomes based on the following questions. You will be asked to share them at an eMetrics Marketing Optimization Summit Roundtable Discussion - and you will bring proof positive back to your boss that this was time very well spent.
Identify Your 3 Outcomes:
S.M.A.R.T. outcomes emphasize what you want, rather than what you don’t want. Each of your outcomes will be effective when they meet the following criteria.
S - Specific (the What, Why and How)Use action words: listen, engage, meet, discuss, request, probe, discover, list etc.
Why is this important? What do you ultimately want to achieve? Be as specific as possible. Add, “so that…” at the end of your outcome and you’ll find there is something a little more specific you are really looking for.
How are you going to do it? (By asking questions, extending an invitation, engaging in an in-depth conversation - Notice, again, the use of verbs here.)
M - MeasurableYou already know: if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it. Create your outcomes with measurable progress, so you can evaluate the how effectively you are engaging with other attendees. Time is precious, so make the most of your identified outcomes in all your conversations.
A - AttainableWhen you identity outcomes that are important to you, you will immediately begin to figure out ways to make them happen. You are already developing the attitude and capacity to notice, react and create opportunities that bring you closer to your outcomes. You’ll be surprised at what you can create with everyone at the eMetrics Marketing Optimization Summit focused on outcome creation.
R - Realistic"Attainable" means possible. "Realistic" means within the timeframe and with the resources you have. Be realistic and commit to putting the time and attention required to complete your 3 outcomes before the end of the eMetrics Marketing Optimization Summit. You’re after immediate results.
T - TimelySet timeframes for each of your outcomes. If you do not set a time, your commitment is too vague.
Write down your 3 outcomes
Based on the programs and services offered by 3outcomes.com.
3 OutcomesSAN FRANCISCO, MAY 4-7, 2008Get the Most Out of eMetrics Marketing Optimization Summit When You Share Your 3 OutcomesWhat do you want to achieve from attending the conference?
How will you measure the success of your conference experience?
Identify, Record & Share Your Desired Outcomes at the 3 Outcomes Roundtable
- Identify the three results you most want out of the eMetrics Marketing Optimization Summit
See the thought-process guidelines below - Share your 3 outcomes during a roundtable discussion with peers.
Speed-brainstorming! Feel free to borrow from others. - Monitor your success
Language is truly our most powerful technology. Create your 3 outcomes based on the following questions. You will be asked to share them at an eMetrics Marketing Optimization Summit Roundtable Discussion - and you will bring proof positive back to your boss that this was time very well spent.
Identify Your 3 Outcomes:
- What, specifically, would I like out of my participation in the eMetrics Marketing Optimization Summit?
- How will I know when it has been achieved?
- When and where will it happen and with whom?
- What is the result of my desired my outcome?
- What resources/assistance do I need during the eMetrics Marketing Optimization Summit?
- What hurdles are keeping me from this outcome?
- What benefits will I realize from this outcome?
S.M.A.R.T. outcomes emphasize what you want, rather than what you don’t want. Each of your outcomes will be effective when they meet the following criteria.
S - Specific (the What, Why and How)Use action words: listen, engage, meet, discuss, request, probe, discover, list etc.
Why is this important? What do you ultimately want to achieve? Be as specific as possible. Add, “so that…” at the end of your outcome and you’ll find there is something a little more specific you are really looking for.
How are you going to do it? (By asking questions, extending an invitation, engaging in an in-depth conversation - Notice, again, the use of verbs here.)
M - MeasurableYou already know: if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it. Create your outcomes with measurable progress, so you can evaluate the how effectively you are engaging with other attendees. Time is precious, so make the most of your identified outcomes in all your conversations.
A - AttainableWhen you identity outcomes that are important to you, you will immediately begin to figure out ways to make them happen. You are already developing the attitude and capacity to notice, react and create opportunities that bring you closer to your outcomes. You’ll be surprised at what you can create with everyone at the eMetrics Marketing Optimization Summit focused on outcome creation.
R - Realistic"Attainable" means possible. "Realistic" means within the timeframe and with the resources you have. Be realistic and commit to putting the time and attention required to complete your 3 outcomes before the end of the eMetrics Marketing Optimization Summit. You’re after immediate results.
T - TimelySet timeframes for each of your outcomes. If you do not set a time, your commitment is too vague.
Write down your 3 outcomes
- State your outcome in positive terms. Focus on what you would like to have occur, not what you don’t want to occur.
- Write all outcomes as if they have already occurred. (You can test them by reading them out loud and visualizing yourself having already succeeded.)
- The outcomes must be testable and confirmable. There must be a way to show that you are making process toward achieving the outcome.
- Write all three outcomes down and carry them with you. You’ll be asked to share throughout the event. (For even greater results, post them in your planner and at your office in advance of the event. Share them with the Yahoo! Web Analytics Discussion Group.)
- Participate fully. Make this the most successful industry event you’ve ever attended.
- Before:Learn how 3 different (B2B Lead Gen) companies at the eMetrics Marketing Optimization Summit conduct regular interviews of analytics data. [who attends, what reviewed, what drives action]
Develop three or more specific strategies to optimize our internal analytics system by learning how three different B2B Lead Generation companies at the eMetrics Marketing Optimization Summit conduct regular reviews of web analytics data, including who attends, what is reviewed and what drives action. By July 31, 2007, one of these strategies will be implemented into our own analytics review system. - Before:Find two companies at the eMetrics Marketing Optimization Summit doing on-site customer surveys, willing to share lessons learned and their approach to integration of survey results with web data.
Implement on-site customer surveys by October 2007 with the assistance and in-depth feedback of two eMetrics Marketing Optimization Summit contacts/companies that are doing on-site customer surveys and have trusted and shared with me internal lessons learned as well their approach to integration of survey results with web data. - Before:Identify five WAA members interested in working on the WAA Research committee in the next 30 Days.
Identify five WAA members who express interest in participating in the WAA Research committee for the next twelve months, and invite them (and follow up with email) to participate in the next committee conference call.
- Learn 3 methods of describing the effects that visitor frequency and latency have on transaction conversion, in order to implement better customer contact tactics and better predictability of the online sales pipeline. The methods will be implemented within 30 days to provide data that can be used within 90 days.
- 2. Develop my list of the 5 criteria that are most important in selecting a 3rd party testing solution, in order to assess the viability of a pilot testing program. The pilot test should be implemented within 90 days and a long-term assessment of MVT viability within 90 days after that.
- 3. Learn 1 methodology to understand the relationship between unpaid and paid search results, focusing on click-through’s and conversions. Within 90 days implement reporting that identifies the top 10 keywords to enhance paid and/or unpaid relevance within the context of the other.
- To be able to implement Web Analytics as a process/methodology within my company based on others’ best practicesImplementing WA as a process/methodology is one of my professional objectives for this new fiscal year (starting April 1st 2007).
So by participating in the eMetrics Marketing Optimization Summit, I was expecting to meet people from "big" companies that already did this, share experience, methodology. Also, there was this presentation on the Nokia Methodology that was one of the main reasons why I came to the eMetrics Marketing Optimization Summit.
I already achieved the first steps: Nokia’s presentation fulfilled my expectations and having the possibility to meet/discuss with Vincent from Nokia was very interesting.
Now it is up to me to put that in practice in my own company. I plan to achieve that by first "testing" Nokia methodology on a small project here before extending this on bigger project. If successful then the methodology will have to be documented and submitted to the Project Management Office in order to become an official process.
So my target is to have the process successfully applied on one project within next 3 months and have the process documented and approved by the end of fiscal year (March 2008) - Come back with new/innovative ideas/practices in order to improve/extend Web Analytics usage in the business.My target is to present at least 3 presentations/topics from the eMetrics Marketing Optimization Summit to Toyota Internet Marketing users and have at least 1 topic/practice to be selected by the business for further application.
Having at least 3 presentations was not very difficult but here’re the 3 topics I selected:- Competitive Intelligence from Avinash (and more precisely the possibilities offered by Hitwise)
- Skype presentation on A/B testing put into action
- Nokia Methodologies - how to define KPI’s
By the end of June - Meet other people working in Web Analytics to do some networking and share experiences/best practices.How do I measure this? By getting at least 10 business cards, meeting at least one person from a Pan-European/worldwide company, meeting at least one of the WA guru’s. Exchanging best practices/ideas or other via participations in blogs or other events.
I mostly achieved this one because:- I got more than 10 business cards
- I met two very interesting persons from worldwide companies (Nokia & Nestlé) and had already some exchanges after the summit
- I met some WA experts/gurus: Avinash and you Jim Sterne (I even got pinned ;-))
- I’ve been asked to write a post on a WA blog (from Lars Johansson) and accepted the invitation
- I’ll do a small presentation at the first Belgian WAW next week - organized byRené and Aurélie from OX2
Based on the programs and services offered by 3outcomes.com.